7 Secrets to a Great Conversation…
Interesting article sharing some points to produce a great conversation, not the easy convos, but the more difficult ones that, “must work to resolve differences, explore hard issues, and be aimed toward a positive outcome”. This article offers some tips on preventing conversations from turning into mine-filled battlefields or devolving into accusatory critique, negating the whole intention and purpose of conversation in the first place. The conversations that matter, the ones we want to center on, are a substantive and intentional form of engagement. They typically have three things in common. First, there is difference. For many of our hardest conversations to make change, there needs to be difference in…
What is Multi-Factor Authentication and Why is It Necessary?
Many people have heard the basics of account protection: Get a password manager for your online accounts, make your passwords complex and never reuse them. But what about Multi-Factor Authentication? What is Multi-Factory authentication, what’s so special about it, and why is it needed? Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), also sometimes known as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), adds another layer of security to the sign-in process giving accounts further protection against unauthorized access. MFA requires multiple (two or more elements) to be used in order to grant full authentication. Multifactor authentication consists of 3 major things: Something you know: This can be a password, or the answer to a security question that cannot…
[Official Video] “Take Me Where Your Heart Is” by Q.
Official video for “Take Me Where Your Heart Is” by Q.
WSJ–“Companies Urged to Adjust Hiring Requirements for Cyber Jobs”…
News of the current shortage of cybersecurity professionals and the demand needed in the coming years to fill roles is seemingly ubiquitous these days. There’s an interesting article in the WSJ on the correlation between the shortage of cybersecurity capable applicants available and the job requirements being posted by hiring companies & HR departments. Despite holding a doctorate in computer science and having extensive military, federal and private-sector experience, Mr. Cunningham said he is routinely approached by companies offering entry-level positions. Job postings on social-media websites for positions usually regarded as gateway roles are rife with such requirements. For instance, one post on recruiting site Glassdoor for a security operations…
LinkedIn Learning Path–Comp TIA A+ and Network + Courses…
I just finished the LinkedIn Learning Path–Comp TIA Network+ course and had previously finished the Comp TIA A+ course last month. While looking at the dates it seems I’ve been doing this for the past month-and-a-half when the courses say they take about 56 hours combined to complete, I really committed to carefully following each video–stopping, starting, pausing, and rewatching them–to really understand the concepts, while taking notes of course. Both of these courses are currently being offered for free through a Microsoft/LinkedIn pandemic education relief initiative that I had previously written about. Having completed them both I can say that I do think they are very beneficial and I…
How to Get Into Cybersecurity with No Experience [Video]
I came across a great YouTube video titled, “How to Get Into Cybersecurity with No Experience” by Gerald “Gerry” Auger (Twitter, LinkedIn) of Simply Cyber. With Cybersecurity being in the headlines more and more, especially as companies and individuals grapple with the new Covid-economy, the demand for well-trained information security professionals continues to grow, exponentially. It is consistently listed in career/job outlook forecasts as one of the top sectors to watch in the coming years. So it comes as no surprise that the interest in this sector is growing and many are looking for ways to break into the field. Cybersecurity is especially interesting in that there seems to be…