
LinkedIn Learning Path–Comp TIA A+ and Network + Courses…

I just finished the LinkedIn Learning Path–Comp TIA Network+ course and had previously finished the Comp TIA A+ course last month. While looking at the dates it seems I’ve been doing this for the past month-and-a-half when the courses say they take about 56 hours combined to complete, I really committed to carefully following each video–stopping, starting, pausing, and rewatching them–to really understand the concepts, while taking notes of course.

Both of these courses are currently being offered for free through a Microsoft/LinkedIn pandemic education relief initiative that I had previously written about.

Having completed them both I can say that I do think they are very beneficial and I did learn a lot from them. Looking back, I now have a notebook and a half filled with notes that I can go back and study/review to let the core concepts sink in. Having these notebooks also lend themselves to being a log of my progress and what I learned and that the effort was worth it. When I’m taking the courses I do feel like I’m learning but its not until the end that I look back at my notes and see how far I’ve come and how much I’ve learned during this time.

There is still much more to learn and I intend to take the Comp TIA Security+ course next but taking these has allowed me to realize two things:

1). That I am interested and do really like learning this information (as that was the driving factor to keep at it and keep me excited to progress through the course).

2). It allowed me to get a better sense of the various topics out there and really understand the core concepts beneath, while also seeing which topics I have more of an interest in than other topics.

The instructor Mike Meyers has a GREAT teaching style and has an ability to present the information in a way that is digestible while adding light-hearted humor at times that made me chuckle and smile. Mike Meyers runs Total Seminars and has a great YouTube channel where there’s a plethora of video-learning content. Highly reccommended!